18 August 1911
Royal Order of Lions
Articles of Incorporation
Evansville, IN
14 June 1914
Florence Times
ROOL Advertisement
Florence, AL
(Speaks to the Royal Order of Lions and its "Auxiliary" - The Royal Sisters)
A Dictionary of Secret
and Other Societies
Compiled by Arthur Preuss, 1924
Available at www.archive.org
Business Directory
Royal Order of Lions
Evansville, IN
Evansville, Indiana
The original home of both The Royal Order of Lions
and The International Association of Lions Clubs
The American Trust and Savings Bank, the second floor of which housed Dr. Woods’ medical offices
and across the hall, the offices of the Royal Order of Lions and later the International Association of Lions Clubs.
The Building is Listed on the
National Register for Historical Buildings.
Facebook Page from
Indiana Lions State Convention 2017
for More Details
District 25 Chronicles
Issue No. 5, November 2016
"Indiana is the Birthplace of Lionism"